Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Anyone interested in multiple Models?

If you had your pick, which model would you choose? Each model though similar, have different purposes and serve different functions. But these aren't the models that we are talking about!

 Being that there are various types of iPads and needs, the makers of the Kudo Cases wanted to make sure that consumers had options when it came to selecting the right model for them. This blog is to inform readers and even some Kudo owners about what the cases can actually do.

Kudo Sol
The first case we'll take a look is the Kudo Sol, available for both iPad Mini as well as the iPad Air. The name comes from the Portuguese term for "Sun," which is "Sol," since this is the solar powered version of the new line.
The front of the case is equipped with thin-film solar panels that generate an impressive 2.3w of power, giving about 30 minutes of iPad use for every hour of sunlight taken in. The elegant folio also has a lightning pin docked inside, and a thin 5,000mAh battery built in, keeping your devices charged for hours. The reason we say device(s) is because of the USB out, providing charge for other USB charging electronics.

The case itself also has a stand for viewing purposes, whether you're watching a movie, or typing a message or an assignment. How annoying is typing on a flat iPad?

Credit Cards? Not a problem, they have a place for that too.

Kudo Bank

What does your bank do for you? Hold all your valuables until you’re ready to use them? Lend you a bit extra in times of need? Whatever it is that your personal bank may do for you, these are among some of the many reasons this model is named the Kudo Bank.

Similar to the Kudo Sol, the Kudo Bank comes to you with a thin 5,000 mAh battery built into the back of this case,in addition to the nifty tri-fold style front cover. What’s different between this and the Sol is, the lack of Solar Panels, but the battery pack surely does a great job in storing in that extra juice, and giving it to your iPad and other devices when they need it, sort of like a…? Bank!

This model is marked down a bit since it doesn’t have the solar panels. but still does more than its fair share of charging.

Wednesday, June 18, 2014

You Are My Sunshine, My Only Sunshine

The sun has an incredible role in this realm, delivering the world light, warmth, power, and essentially the foundation for life. Solar energy is a completely free source of energy and it is found in abundance. Though the sun is 90 million miles from the earth, it takes less than 10 minutes for light to travel from that much of distance. In a day and age where gasoline prices are sometimes well over $4.00 a gallon, and the ever growing high concentration in pollution, does it not make sense to implore the utilization of the sun to power our electronics? 

The technology for solar panels has been around for over thirty years, essentially being derived from photosynthesis. In one second, our sun produces enough energy to meet the current needs of the entire earth for 500,000 years. The sun can power 4 trillion 100 watt light bulbs every second. One square mile of sunlight under solar power for one year produces over 4 million barrels of oil, saving over 200 million dollars’ worth of energy per year. 

As of 2006, U.S solar installers have been putting up a system every 80 minutes. This year, solar installations for households is installed every four minutes. By 2016, there could be a solar system every 80 seconds. One square mile of sunlight under solar power for one year produces over 4 million barrels of oil, saving over 200 million dollars’ worth of energy per year.  Unfortunately, the U.S only produces 1% of the entire energy used in 2013. Can you imagine the amount of money saved if there was more of a focus on solar powered fields/plants? Or better yet, the amount of money you can save by simply using one Kudo case for your iPad? 

*All facts were derived from:

Wednesday, June 11, 2014

What's Appening? Free

A streamlined budgeting and account tracking app, Mint is conveniently available on tablets, smartphones, and online. The app lets you connect all of your accounts and track spending. But what makes Mint different from your everyday bank account app? It offers a streamlined look at all forms of income and spending, from loans to credit cards and bank accounts, in one convenient location. It also allows you to set monthly budget and track spending based on categories that can be general (Food & Dining) or very specific (Coffee Shops). The app also suggests financial advice, which gets more specific the longer you use the app.

Duolingo: Free
 Named Apple’s Free App of the Year in 2013, Duolingo was created by a professor-student team at Carnegie Mellon University. The app lets English speakers learn five different languages through games and videos. The company vows to keep the app free because they are “fundamentalists on the belief that we should not charge for language education”. The app also teaches English to non-speakers.

TED: Free

With a slogan like “Ideas Worth Spreading”, you know TED talks can keep you entertained for hours. TED’s mission is to spread knowledge in diverse categories by producing speeches and presentations by leaders in their respected fields. The videos are usually under 20 minutes to keep audiences interested and engaged. The app allows you to view over 1,700 videos on your tablet and iPhone. If your have a long flight or road trip, the app also lets you download video to view when you can’t access the Internet.

Army Survival: $1.99

The U.S. Army Field Manual has long been seen as a quintessential resource for anything outdoor. While most people will never need to use its sections on the psychology of survival or signaling techniques, the sections on knots, starting a fire, and basic medical aid can come in handy for anyone who ventures into the great outdoors.

Tuesday, June 3, 2014

In Trees we Trust

Kudo's Tree Planting Program has gotten even better!

When it comes to the environment, us at Wireless NRG think that it's imperative to try to give more to the Earth than take. That is one of the reasons we created the Kudo Case, the only patented and Apple licensed case for the iPad equipped with Solar Panels, to provide charge on the go for your iPad and other USB devices.

Originally, we initiated our Tree Planting Program with the idea of having a tree planted for every case sold after users register to join in. Alas, sales were far more than registrations, so we had to come up with an idea to alleviate consumers of the need to register, to have a tree planted in their name. This brings us to the Arbor Day Foundation.

Just recently, we upgraded our relationship with the Arbor Day Foundation to a direct Corporate Partnership. With this partnership there is no need for consumers to register for a tree to be planted! This saves them time and helps us provide the environment with more energy from the trees! Our goal is to minimize our Carbon Footprint, if you'd like, you can view a Carbon Footprint Calculator. Each case in conjunction with the tree planted in the owner's name does more for the Earth than one would think.

Want to know exactly how large of an impact the Tree Planting Program has? Let's do some math.

A healthy and mature tree can absorb an average of 48 pounds of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) per year, while producing 260 pounds of oxygen (O2) during that same period, which is enough to support two people, according to the Colorado Tree Coalition. Healthy trees can also act as living filters with rain water, providing us with clean and safe water.  In fact, according to the US Forest Service, 100 mature trees can collect and store approximately 139,000 gallons of rainwater per year!

 Those are impressive  numbers, and it gets only more impressive when you add in the direct effect the Kudo Case has on the environment! For example, for every 1,000 Kudos used for 1 year the need for 9,000 lbs of coal used to produce energy is terminated. Each ton of coal creates about 2.86 tons of carbon dioxide, so those same thousand Kudos help to keep 7.15 tons per year of CO2 out of the atmosphere. Your Kudo alone will eliminate 14.1 lbs of CO2 by NOT burning that amount of coal described above, it will help to absorb another 48 lbs per year with the tree we plant for you, and produce 260 lbs of oxygen from that very same tree.What's better than that?

Eco-Friendly Solar Powered iPad Case
Powering Mobility